The operation station is used to detain the package and update the package status |
HTTP Verb | URL |
Post | /services /integration/carrier/hold |
Request field
# | Field (API) | Data Type | Length | Mandatory | Details | |
1 | holdTime | String | 80 | M | timewhenparcelisdetained
| |
2 | holdType | Number | 20 | M | holdType 23 Heldforweightdifference | |
3 | operatingAccount | String | 40 | M | operatoraccountineTower | |
4 | barcode | String | 64 | M | trackingNo |
Response content
a) status:Succeeded/Failed
b) code:
140001 | Barcodedoesn’texist |
100011 | Donothavepermissiontooperateparcel(Incorrectaccount/Incorrect |
100009 | Shipmentdoesn’texist |
c) Timeformat:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ