code |
Description | ||
100001 | Wrongformatofdata | |
100002 | Authenticationfailed | |
100003 | IllegalCharacters | |
100004 | Internalsystemerror | |
100005 | Unreasonablechannel | |
100006 | Wrongfacilityofshipper | |
100007 | Noavailablechannel | |
100008 | Un-configuredchannel | |
100009 | Orderismissing | |
100010 | Ordercannotbedeleted | |
100011 | Norighttodealwithorder | |
100012 | Norighttoresendorder | |
100013 | ServiceCodeisinvalid | |
100014 | Trackingno.isun-unique | |
100015 | Norighttouploadtrackingno. | |
100016 | Haven’tprintedlabelsof order | |
100017 | Containsillegalcharacters | |
110001 | OrderReferenceNumberismissing | |
110002 | OrderReferenceNumberistoolong | |
110003 | OrderReferenceNumberalreadyexists | |
110004 | Recipientnameismissing | |
110005 | Recipientnameistoolong | |
110006 | Recipientphonenumberistoolong | |
110007 | Recipientemailistoolong | |
110008 | E-CommercePlatformcodeistoolong | |
110009 | Recipientcompanyistoolong | |
110010 | Recipient phone number is missing | |
110011 | Recipient email is missing | |
110012 | Recipient phone number format is wrong | |
110013 | Recipient email format is wrong | |
110014 | Contains illegal characters of receiver (only English and Russian is acceptable) | |
110016 | Recipient Tax ID is missing | |
110017 | Recipient Tax ID is too long | |
110018 | Recipient Tax ID is invalid | |
110019 | ecipient Tax ID is not in conformity with the rules | |
110020 | Shipper’s phone number is too long | |
110054 | Shipper phone is required | |
120001 | Delivery address line 1 is missing | |
120002 | Delivery address line 1 is too long | |
120003 | Delivery address line 2 is too long | |
120004 | Delivery address line 3 is too long | |
120005 | Delivery city/suburb is missing | |
120006 | Delivery city/suburb is too long | |
120007 | Delivery city/suburbdoesn’t match the postcode | |
120008 | Delivery address state is invalid | |
120009 | Delivery address state is missing | |
120010 | Delivery address statedoesn’t match the postcode | |
120011 | Delivery postcode is missing | |
120012 | Delivery postcode is invalid | |
120013 | Delivery country is invalid | |
120014 | Address line3 is missing | |
120015 | Address line3 is too long | |
120016 | Address line3 is invalid | |
120017 | Recipient address city is invalid | |
120018 | Recipient address line3 or city is invalid | |
120019 | Recipient address state is too long | |
120020 | Recipient postcode is too long | |
120021 | Country is too long | |
120022 | Country is mandatory | |
120023 | Countrydoesn’t match with service type | |
120024 | Service option is invalid | |
120025 | Postcode must be digit | |
120032 | Recipient country code must be characters | |
120033 | Recipient postcode exceeds service limit | |
120034 | Recipient state name must be characters | |
120035 | Recipient postcode is wrong | |
120036 | Sender address line1 is too long | |
120037 | Sender address line2 is too long | |
120038 | Sender address line3 is too long | |
120039 | Sender city is too long | |
120040 | Sender state name is too long | |
120041 | Sender postcode is too long | |
120042 | Sender country is too long | |
120065 | Shipper address state is missing | |
120066 | Shipper address country is invalid | |
130001 | Description of Goods is missing | |
130002 | Description of Goods is too long | |
130003 | Weight is missing | |
130004 | Weight exceeds the service limit | |
130005 | Weight is below the service minimum | |
130006 | Invoice value is over the service limit | |
130007 | Packing List is too long | |
130008 | Currency is invalid | |
130009 | Invoice value is missing | |
130010 | Invoice value is too low | |
130011 | Length exceeds service limit | |
130012 | Width exceeds service limit | |
130013 | Height exceeds service limit | |
130014 | Perimeter exceeds service limit | |
130015 | Volume exceeds service limit | |
130016 | Perimeter is below the service minimum | |
130017 | Volume is below the service minimum | |
130018 | Length + Width + Height exceeds service limit | |
130019 | Native description is mandatory | |
130020 | Native description is too long | |
130021 | Native description must contain Chinese | |
130022 | Description is too long | |
140001 | Barcodedoesn’t exist in system | |
140002 | Un-forecasted | |
140003 | Overweight parcel | |
140004 | Change labels | |
140005 | Hold | |
150001 | Return address line1 is missing | |
150002 | Return address line1 is too long | |
150003 | Return address line2 is too long | |
150004 | Return address line3 is too long | |
150005 | Return city/suburb is missing | |
150006 | Return city/suburb is too long | |
150007 | Return city/suburbdoesn’t match the postcode | |
150008 | Return address state is invalid | |
150009 | Return address state is missing | |
150010 | Return address statedoesn’t match the postcode | |
150011 | Return postcode is missing | |
150012 | Return postcode is invalid | |
150013 | Return country is invalid | |
150015 | Return name required | |
150016 | Return phone is required | |
150017 | Return address country required | |
150101 | Return name is too long | |
190001 | Item is missing | |
190002 | Item quantity is invalid | |
190003 | Item No is missing | |
190004 | Item SKU is missing | |
190005 | Item description is missing | |
190006 | Item unit price is missing | |
190007 | Item origin is missing | |
190008 | Item SKU is too long | |
190009 | Item Desc is too long | |
190010 | Item origin is too long | |
190018 | Item HSCode is too long | |
190019 | Item total valuedoesn’t match the Order value | |
190020 | Item description is mandatory | |
190021 | Item native description is too long | |
190022 | Item native description must contain Chinese | |
190023 | Item HSCode is missing | |
190024 | Item HSCode is too long | |
190025 | Item HSCode must be digit | |
190026 | Item HSCode is invalid | |
190028 | Item description (English)is too long | |
190029 | Item quantity exceeds | |
190030 | Item weight is missing | |
190031 | Item weight is below the service minimum | |
190032 | Country of origin is invalid | |
190033 | Sum of item weightcan’t exceed parcel weight | |
190034 | Link of item is missing | |
190035 | Link of item is too long | |
190036 | he max weight of item exceeds the limit | |
580001 | Sender’s name is mandatory | |
580002 | Sender’s address-line1 is mandatory | |
580003 | Sender’s country is mandatory | |
580004 | Sender’s city is mandatory | |
580005 | Sender’s postcode is mandatory | |
580006 | Sender’s address is mandatory | |
110033 | IMEI number is mandatory | |
110034 | Please input 15 digits of IMEI number | |
110035 | Please input IMEI number (15 digits) | |
110036 | National issue date is mandatory | |
110037 | Format of national issue date is incorrect | |
110038 | Name of national ID owner is mandatory | |
110039 | National ID is too long | |
110040 | Name of national ID owner is too long | |
110041 | Format of national ID is incorrect | |
110042 | Format of national IDowner’s name is incorrect | |
951002 | Bags missing | |
951003 | Bag No. exceeds max limit | |
951005 | Bag No. missing | |
951006 | Bag No. too long | |
951007 | Service code missing | |
951009 | Country missing | |
951013 | Orders in bags are mandatory | |
951019 | Sort code is mandatory | |
951020 | Bag no. is existing | |
951021 | Reference No. repeat | |
951022 | Tracking No. repeat | |
951023 | Bags repeat | |
951024 | Orders are in bags | |
951025 | Service code is invalid | |
950017 | OrderIdconnotbeempty | |
950018 | Weight should be greater than 0.01kg | |
950019 | OrderIdmustbeunique | |
950020 | Orders cannot be modified | |
999502 | It has been bagged and cannot be deducted | |
999503 | It has been scanned unable to deduct goods | |
999504 | Bound flight, goods cannot be deducted | |
999505 | It is not detained by the customer and cannot be released |