Get order shipping cost information by tracking number |
HTTP Verb | URL |
Post | /services/shipper/cost-query |
Request content
The request body contains an order sequence, and up to 2000 orders can be sent at
Request sample
[ "Test001","Test002" ]
Response Elements
Return results in the order of shipment information in request, including:
1) status (Failed / Success / Partial Success).
2) error
2. 1) code
2.2) message
3) data
3. 1) orderId
3.2) status
3.3) errors
3.3. 1) code
3.3.2) message.
3.4 ) billingItem
3.4. 1) estimateShippingFee
3.4.2) currency
3.4.3) actualShippingFee
3.4.4)chargeWeight, kg
3.4.5) declaredWeight,kg
3.4.6) trackingNumber
3.4.7) feeDetails
- billDetailUuid: Freight fee unique ID
- feeId: Fee ID
- feeNameCn:Fee Name
- feeName:English Fee Name
- amount: Fee Amount
- currency: Fee Currency, same with currency
Response message
{ "status": "Success", "errors": null, "data": [ { "status": "Success", "errors": null, "warnings": null, "orderId": "Test001", "billingItem": { "uuid": null, "estimateShippingFee": 83.04, "currency": "USD", "actualShippingFee": 83.04, "chargeWeight": 6.0, "declaredWeight": 6.0, "trackingNumber": "Test001", "refNo": null, "estimateCurrency": "USD", "feeDetails": [ { "billDetailUuid": null, "feeId": "2302281359151000001", "feeNameCn": "基础运费", "feeName": "Basic Charge", "feeDisplayName": null, "amount": 11.2, "currency": "USD" }, { "billDetailUuid": null, "feeId": "2302281359151000002", "feeNameCn": "偏远附加费", "feeName": "Remote Surcharge", "feeDisplayName": null, "amount": 14.0, "currency": "USD" }, { "billDetailUuid": null, "feeId": "2302281359151000003", "feeNameCn": "电池附加费", "feeName": "Battery Surcharge", "feeDisplayName": null, "amount": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, { "billDetailUuid": null, "feeId": "2302281359151000004", "feeNameCn": "燃油附加费", "feeName": "Fuel Surcharge", "feeDisplayName": null, "amount": 2.52, "currency": "USD" }, { "billDetailUuid": null, "feeId": "2302281359151000006", "feeNameCn": "关税", "feeName": "Tariff", "feeDisplayName": null, "amount": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, { "billDetailUuid": null, "feeId": "2302281359151000007", "feeNameCn": "增值税", "feeName": "VAT", "feeDisplayName": null, "amount": 0.0, "currency": "USD" }, { "billDetailUuid": null, "feeId": "2302281359151000008", "feeNameCn": "保险费", "feeName": "Insurance", "feeDisplayName": null, "amount": null, "currency": "USD" }, { "billDetailUuid": "-qA1oYidGLCqReySiPVBgw", "feeId": "2305161551231000001", "feeNameCn": "清关服务费", "feeName": "清关服务费", "feeDisplayName": null, "amount": 30.0, "currency": "USD" }, { "billDetailUuid": "-qA1oYidGLCqReySiPVBgw", "feeId": "2305161552501000001", "feeNameCn": "逆向操作费", "feeName": "逆向操作费", "feeDisplayName": null, "amount": 2.52, "currency": "USD" }, { "billDetailUuid": "-qA1oYidGLCqReySiPVBgw", "feeId": "2304211057331000001", "feeNameCn": "挂号服务费", "feeName": "挂号服务费", "feeDisplayName": null, "amount": 20.8, "currency": "USD" } ] } } ], "warnings": null }