he interface performs forecast operations on orders and provides custom Manifestno |
1 | Field (API) | Data Type | Length | Mandatory | Details | |
2 | manifestNo | String | 40 | O | Optional. If null, system will automatically generate. No more than 40 characters. | |
3 | shipmentIds | String | String | C | Optional, support Tracking Number and Ref No. | |
4 | masterIds | String | String | C | Optional, support Master Ref No. |
HTTP Verb | URL |
Post | /services/shipper/closeShipments |
Request content
A JSON formatted object. ManifestNo: Optional, automatically generated by the system if do not fill in, max: 40 characters; "ShipmentIds" : mandatory, accept Tracking Number and Ref No;. |
Request sample
{ "manifestNo": "20210918", "shipmentIds": [], "masterIds": [], }
Response message
{ "status":"Success", "errors":null, "data":[ { "status":"Success", "errors":null, "warnings":null, "orderId":"test001", "trackingNo":"test001", "relabelstatus" : null, "lastMailcarrier" : nu11 ], "warnings":null }