Generate and print labels, and return results according to the order of request.
HTTP Verb | URL |
Post | /services/shipper/labels |
Request field
Field (API) | Data Type | Length | Mandatory | Details | |
orderIds | String | 80 | O | Support for using Tracking Number / Ref No. queries | |
masterIds | String | 80 | C | Master Ref No. Query is supported | |
labelType | String | 80 | O | abelType: 0 Indicates the default value10cm * 15cm, 1 express 10cm * 15cm, 2 express A4, 4 express 10cm * 10cm. At present, the API only supports these three formats; | |
packinglist | Boolean | true/false | O | Whether to print a picking list or not | |
merged | Boolean | true/false | O | Specify whether to merge into one PDF file; If consolidation is selected, only the successful orders will be merged and printed, and the consolidation will be carried out according to the order of orders in the request parameters. | |
labelFormat | String | 3 | O | Label format: JPG format is optional. If it is not filled in, the default format is PDF format. JPG format sheets do not support merging. When printing packinglist at the same time, multiple files will be returned. ZPL | |
dpi | String | 3 | O | When label format is ZPL, 300 or 203 dpi is supported. If no dpi value or fields, default value is 300 dpi. |
Request message
{ "orderIds":["ABC123456789001001002"], "labelType":1, "packinglist":false, "merged":false, "labelFormat":"JPG", "dpi":"203" }
Response message
{ "status": "Success", "errors": null, "data": [ { "status":"Success", "errors": null, "labelContent":"Base64 String" "orderId":"JDQ002445001000931503", "trackingNo":"JDQ002445001000931503", "labelContents": null, "lastMileCarrier": null } ] }
宁镭 发表:
"M":必填字段,用户必须提供相关信息才能继续进行操作或提交表单。Mandatory (required field)
"O":非必填字段,用户可以选择性地填写相关信息,但不是必需的。Optional (non-required field)
"C":选择性填写字段,也就是可选填的字段。Conditional (selective field)